Another version

”I said I wasn’t sure: when people freed themselves they usually forced change on everyone else. But it didn’t necessarily follow that to stay free was to stay the same. In fact, the first thing people sometimes did with their freedom was to find another version of the thing that had imprisoned them. Not changing, in other words, deprived them of what they’d gone to such trouble to attain.”

© 2016 Rachel Cusk, Transit.

In the zoo

” It is interesting how keen people are for you to do something they would never dream of doing themselves, how enthusiastically they drive you to your own destructions. […] Perhaps he said, we are all like animals in the zoo, and once we see  that one of us has got out of the enclosure we shout at him to run like mad, even though it will only result in him being lost.”

© 2014 Rachel Cusk, Outline.